How To Install Nodejs On Ubuntu

How To Install Nodejs On Ubuntu


2 min read

As someone new to Ubuntu, I tried installing Node by using the following command

sudo apt install nodejs

But had many problems. It took me two days to figure out that the version I got from Ubuntu's official sources was outdated (12.22.9), not the latest one. That's why I had so many issues. That's why before installing any package, check its version first to avoid further conflicts. By using the following command.

apt show <package_name>

So now the question is

How To Install Nodejs In Ubuntu ?

Here are two methods of installation instead of apt install and the step-by-step guide to 'install' node

Method 1 :

  1. Visit and Download LTS version.

  2. Navigate to the directory where tar file of the node is Downloaded.

  3. Extract tar file as

     tar -xf node-v20.11.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
  4. Now move it to home directory

      mv node-v20.11.0-linux-x64 ~/

    For example, I had downloaded node in Downloads directory and after extracting that downloaded tar file to move the extracted file i.e 'node-v20.11.0-linux-x64' I use following commands

     cd Downloads 
     # To navigate to Downloads directory
     cd ls 
     # To check 
     mv node-v20.11.0-linux-x64 ~/nodejs
     # To move file to home directory additional To give name "nodejs"
      instead of "node-v20.11.0-linux-x64" I command as ~/nodejs instead 
      of ~/ which we use to navigate to Home ........
  5. To make it accessible from anywhere in system by adding path to .bashrc.

     nano .bashrc
     # export PATH=$PATH:/home/example/nodejs/bin
     #In zsh
     nano .zshrc
     # export PATH="/home/example/nodejs/bin:$PATH"

That's it, you're done. You can verify by checking.

node --version
#Output : v20.11.0

Method 2:

#Check Stable version
snap info node
sudo snap install node --classic

That how you can install the node on Ubuntu. Both the methods are easy, it's upon you by which you want to install.

Stay Curious ๐ŸŒŸ !!!
